Friday, July 08, 2005

Latin & Gregorian Chant to Make Comeback

Exciting news: details from the working version of "The Eucharist: source and summit of the life and mission of the church." From Yahoo! News:
[The paper] suggests, for example, that Latin be used during international liturgical gatherings so all priests involved can understand the proceedings, and it suggests that parishes consider using more Gregorian chants to prevent more "profane" types of music from being played.

It calls for priests not to be "showmen" who draw attention to themselves and says lay people can have an important but "minimal" presence in Masses. It says the tabernacle — which holds the bread and wine held by Catholics to be the body and blood of Christ — should have a prominent place in the church and not be shunted off to a corner.

Excellent! Read more: Vatican Criticizes Catholics on Communion

Friday, July 01, 2005


I suppose that Boney owes loyal Pope Blog readers an explanation as to the low volume of posts lately. I can tell you it's mainly due to two things:

-His recent relocation to Cincinnati to work for Text Link Ads
-His time commitment to a movement called the Uganda Conflict Action Network

Uganda-CAN is a campaign of ordinary, outraged citizens working together to combat the unnecessary human suffering of the 19-year-old war in northern Uganda and contribute to healing and renewal in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Boney's role: he's helping to develop the Web site and get it lots of traffic.

Friends, if you could, please check out the Uganda-CAN Web site, and if you approve of our mission, a link to our site from your blog would be much appreciated!